Flexible Working Communications Toolkit


NSW Public Service Commission is providing an integrated communication and information campaign to increase awareness and understanding of flexible working principles and practices.

The campaign is a whole of government sector communications approach and provides a range of material including key messaging, branding, collateral and an implementation plan which can be adapted to suit the needs of each cluster or agency.

Download Communication strategy for Flexible Working in the NSW government sector (PDF 819.8KB)


Why we have developed it

The NSW Government has committed to making all roles flexible in the NSW government sector on the basis of ‘if not, why not’ by 2019.

It’s clear flexible working can have a positive impact on employee engagement and retention, improve service delivery and customer satisfaction, as well as solving other challenges to government service delivery and increasing regional employment.

Recognising that flexible working means different things to different roles, this communication strategy provides a consistent set of key messages that will encourage participation, explain the types of options for working flexibly and demonstrate the benefits and outcomes to individuals, the sector and the customer

The messages emphasise the principles outlined in Make Flexibility Count Framework, the framework for the implementation of flexible working. The campaign will support the sector’s transition from an ad hoc approach to flexible working to one that is embedded and sustainable, evolving the culture to recognise employees are valued for delivering outcomes, and teams are encouraged to make it work. In this way, it can deliver benefits for everyone, including the customers and people of NSW.


How it will help

The purpose of this toolkit is to communicate the benefits of flexible working. It promotes a shared responsibility and places emphasis on both the individual needs and the customer outcomes.

The toolkit contains a range of communication materials to assist agencies to implement flexible working including key messaging, branding, artwork for suggested collateral and an implementation plan to adapt depending on the needs of the cluster or agency.

Given the diversity of the workforce, the ‘if not, why not’ approach will be a starting point for more conversations about where, when and how flexible working can be done. Providing consistent and effective information, awareness and education strategies will promote the benefits of flexible working to everyone.


Flexible Working NSW Government



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